Jazyková škola
se specializací angličtina

David Smith

Kvalifikace: CELTA, TEFL
Učitelská praxe: od 2009



David Smith

Born in: I come from a small seaside town in North Wales, called Prestatyn. Yep, I grew up by the sea.
Education:CELTA & TEFL
Teaching qualification: Started teaching individuals privately pre-2009, and went full time from the end of 2009 after moving to the Czech Republic
Teaching in PARK since: September 2020
Teaching experience in: 11 years in the Czech Republic teaching full time
Teaching specialization:Pomaturitni Studium,  FCE / CAE, General English

About teaching

What I like about teaching

I love the variety, new people, new groups and new challenges every year.

My advice to students of English?

Fear is an English learners worst enemy, learn to love your mistakes. Don't fear them but embrace and learn from them. Especially when speaking.

About me

Three things I like

Netflix, Cheese (Cheddar) and Football.

My favourite English word

Diabolical - feel very British when I say it.

Kerfuffle - Very cute way to describe a disturbance casued by conflict

My favourite Czech word

pouť - Took me 5 years to get the pronuncation right so Czechs could understand me.

Nazdar! - Just a super friendly way to say Hi, better than Ahoj or Cau


Something special about me

I am big fan of reptiles, especially Lizards. I finally got my first one 3 years ago and he's still alive! My dream is to one day have a pet Chameleon. .


My favorite thing about working in PARK 

Everyone here, from the office staff to the teachers to the managers are all about the fun. There isn't the stuffiness I've seen in other places here. It's been a breath of fresh air after all these years.



Přihlašte se do studia angličtiny
Jazykové školy P. A. R. K.

V naší nabídce jsou kurzy celkem na 16 úrovních pokročilosti. Abychom vás mohli zařadit do té nejoptimálnější studijní skupiny, vyplňte si online test. Prověříme vaše znalosti a doporučíme vám nejvhodnější kurz.

Vyplnit online test

Po složení testu vás pozveme na úvodní pohovor, provedeme vás našimi výukovými prostory i zázemím pro studenty. A v neposlední řadě - kterýkoliv kurz si můžete poté zdarma a nezávazně předem vyzkoušet účastí na reálné výuce.

Učit vás budou rodilí mluvčí a prvotřídní čeští lektoři