Iain Saunders MA
Akademický ředitel
Kvalifikace: VŠ vzdělání + CELTA
Učitelská praxe: od 2000

Born in: Manchester, England
Education: MA in Novel Writing, BA in Television and Radio, CELTA teaching qualification plus a gazillion other minor certificates
Teaching qualification: MA in Novel Writing, BA in Television and Radio, CELTA teaching qualification plus a gazillion other minor certificates
Teaching since: English since 2000
Teaching in P.A.R.K. since: 2016
Teaching experience in: Czech Republic (mostly), but also England, Wales and Russia
Specialization: Phonetics, ESP (business, legal), creative writing & Cambridge exam skills
What I like about teaching
It's all about meeting and helping brilliant people do amazing things. I think every student that works hard to improve their language is fantastic and I love being a small part of their journey. Every laugh, smile and moment of sudden understanding is deeply rewarding.
My advice to students of English
Commit to the journey, dive into English in every part of your life and never let fear of failure/embarrassment stand in your way. Just go for it.
My favourite English word
My favourite Czech word
Something special about me
You'll hear my voice on the English language versions of tourist presentations, documentaries and DVDs all over the Czech Republic. You can also buy my novels (in paperback or digital format) on Amazon.com.
What I like most about P.A.R.K.
The school has the drive and vision to develop education, students and educators into the best version of themselves. There's an energy at P.A.R.K. that is worth being a part of.