Mgr. Michaela Sobotková
Kvalifikace: VŠ pedagogické vzdělání + CELTA
Učitelská praxe: od 2005

Kvalifikace: VŠ pedagogické vzdělání + CELTA
Učitelská praxe: od 2005
Born in: Trutnov, Czech Republic
Education: FF MU, PedF MU
Teaching qualification: CELTA
Teaching since: 2005
Teaching in P.A.R.K. since: 2015
Teaching experience in: Turkey, Czech Republic
Specialization: Exam English, General English
What I like about teaching
Having fun with people.
My advice to students of English
Read books, watch movies, listen to music. Try to be surrounded by English as much as possible.
Three things I like
Good food, music, movies.
My favourite English word
I'm afraid I haven't got one.
My favourite Czech word
Haven't got one either.
Something special about me
I can play the saxophone.
What I like most about P.A.R.K.
Lovely colleagues and great students.